3 quick self-care tips for overwhelmed moms

Raising the next generation can feel like a heavy responsibility. Especially when we as parents are working to end the generational trauma passed down from our family line. In my own personal experience I get overwhelmed often with feelings of being a good enough mom or making the right decisions as a parent. In short I don’t want to fuck up my kids. That responsibility while simultaneously unlearning poor coping skills and to rewire my brain from triggers is sooooo hard sometimes. And it doesn’t help that social media makes it look like everyone is just winning at being a mom!

So I wanted to share a couple of really quick and easy self-care tips that you can do through out your day that can help to lift your mood and really help you connect with yourself. These are great if you are feeling overwhelmed or having a moment that you feel yourself falling back into negative self talk. Let’s get into them!

Tip 1 - HUg yourself

When I said simple, quick and easy I meant it friend! When you are feeling overwhelmed of in need of some support all you have to do is go back to inner child basics. What would your inner child or even your child need when they are feeling dis-regulated or in need of support, A HUG! By pausing and hugging yourself nice and tight you are connecting with your body and giving yourself the love and support needed in that moment to bring yourself down from that heightened emotion. This is something that I do each day to really connect with my inner child and let her know that I’ve got her and that we can tackle this day with out getting overwhelmed and dis-regulated. It’s also helpful for tough moments where I don’t want to be triggered by my children’s behavior in heightened moments of emotion. Simple, easy, try giving yourself a hug today!

Tip 2 - Compliment yourself

My second tip for your is to compliment yourself. Being a mom is hard!! And there is totally an expectation that we should be able to do it all and with a smile on our face. Add in social media where it would appear that everyone has their shit together, and mental health issues pop up galore! So to break out of the negative self talk that can go along with that, looking in the mirror each day and telling myself something I love about myself or positive affirmations really helps me break that mental dysfunction. Especially when I am feeling like I am a bad mom or that I can’t possibly break the cycle of generational trauma in myself this really gives me the support and mindfulness needed to bring a positive perspective to my day. Do this in moments of negative self talk or just in your morning routine to start your day off on a good foot.

Examples of things you could say:

  • I am a good mom

  • My kids are safe and loved

  • I love myself

  • I am strong

  • I am doing a good job

Tip 3 - Put on something that makes you feel good!

This tip is fun and really versatile so you can really customize this to what you feel like doing day to day. Put on something that makes you feel good. This can be putting on music to dance in the living room to brighten your mood in the morning. You can put on your favorite lip color to brighten yourself up if you wake up not feeling the best. Similarly you could dress in a favorite piece of clothing or jewelry that makes you feel your best. Other ideas are playing a movie/music you like while you clean or cook or playing a podcast/audio book that you love. I do these things through out the day to boost my mood and get in something that I love to pour back into myself in simple ways that don’t take up a lot of time, because I just don’t have that much of it as a mom of littles. And not everyone has the time and space to take a walk or relaxing bath everyday. Find out what your thing is that you can put on that will boost you up!

Bonus tips!

If you find yourself really dis-regulated try these techniques. If you can get outside to ground yourself this can really help when feeling deep feelings of overwhelm or being triggered and needing help to get out of that state quickly. If you can get outside ideally with no shoes, stand in the grass, close your eyes and center yourself in the moment and find peaceful space. I personally know that this isn’t always possible, I live in the PNW, so optionally doing breath work can really help to regulate your system. Move yourself to a quiet space, put your hand on your heart and abdomen and breath in for 8 seconds through your nose and release for 8 seconds through your mouth. Repeat at least 5 times or more if needed. Adding in some of those complements really help here.


I hope that these were helpful and that you can take these tips into your daily life to help with the tough moments that are inevitable as a mom navigating motherhood. Much love! XOXO


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